Soil surveys

EkoInfo CC provides soil surveys on either a reconnaissance or detailed level depending on the nature of the project. These surveys form part of either baseline (Soil/ Agricultural Potential, EIA’s, EMPR’s) or monitoring studies (Rehabilitation, Sustainable Management).


EkoInfo CC does soil surveys on  a reconnaissance level during its vegetation assessments to enable correlation between soil conditions and vegetation distribution. For more detailed assessments (land use planning) or assessments which form part of EIA’s or EMPR’s, EkoInfo cc involves dedicated pedologists.

Ecological Relevance

Soil reflects the influence of geology, climate, organisms and topography over time. Soil represents an anchor for plants as well as a source of nutrients, its physical (texture, structure) and chemical (nutrient content) properties determine which species will grow successfully in it.

The conservation of soil is of the utmost importance. In the absence of sufficient soil, plants can not establish themselves successfully, having disastrous consequences in the food chain.Therefore soil surveys should be an important component of opencast mine rehabilitation and form the basis of sustainable land use planning.


  • Plant-Soil interaction
  • Wetlands or Waterlogged areas
  • Erosion sensitive Soils
  • Soil/ Agricultural Potential
  • Land Use Planning
  • Soil Maps