Natural Resource Maps
EkoInfo CC compiles maps of natural features from either hardcopies or digital format using GIS software. The use of GIS software enables the compilation of a series of thematic maps based on the information available. These maps are made available in either hardcopy or digital format.
EkoInfo CC uses vector and raster based Geographic Information System (GIS) software to compile maps from aerial photographs, satellite imagery and available or newly captured natural resource data. The GIS software used, are ArcInfo and ArcView, both from ESRI and Idrisi Kilimanjaro from Clark Labs. These products are capable of importing or exporting digital information in a variety of formats. EkoInfo CC can on request print the maps from A4 to A0 either in-house or from printing services.
- Georeferencing of Aerial Photographs for use in GIS software
- Digitizing and Georeferencing of hardcopies (handdrawn or published)
- Compilation of customized Maps for reports, public meetings of posters